Degrons in cancer

Supplementary Material

Bálint Mészáros1,* , Manjeet Kumar2,*, Toby Gibson2, Bora Uyar3 and Zsuzsanna Dosztányi4

1. Institute of Enzymology, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2 Magyar Tudósok krt, Budapest H-1117, Hungary
2. EMBL Heidelberg, Meyerhofstraße 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
3. Bioinformatics Platform, The Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology, Max-Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Robert-Rössle-Strasse 10, 13125 Berlin, Germany
4. MTA-ELTE Lendület Bioinformatics Research Group, Department of Biochemistry, Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány Péter stny 1/c, Budapest H-1117, Hungary
* These authors contributed equally to this work and both should be considered first authors.

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Table 1. Known degron motifs collected from the ELM database and manual curation

Table 2. Target recognition subunits of E3 ligases